Ever since I started baking, I’ve heard: “Why don’t you make a TURKEY CAKE for Thanksgiving? Oh, you know what would be a really creative idea for Thanksgiving? OMG if you made a cake that looked like a TURKEY! You should TOTALLY make a turkey cake. Turkey cake turkey cake turkey cake!” Well, I succumbed andContinue reading “Turkey for Thanksgiving”
Tag Archives: fondant
Little Boys Blue
First baking projects post move! Let’s just be quick about it, shall we? I had to bake for 2 special little boys: one hasn’t even been born yet, and the other is one of my super cute, super crazy godsons. The theme for the baby shower cake was the ocean, so I played around withContinue reading “Little Boys Blue”
Otanjoubi omedetou! (Ramen birthday cake)
It’s that time of year again, you guys; Memorial Day, the start of summer, Vin’s birthday, a.k.a. the making of the most awesome cake of the year!!! Vin really is the best. He’s worked so hard to get in shape and become healthy, his food critique brand is really taking off, he’s always always thinkingContinue reading “Otanjoubi omedetou! (Ramen birthday cake)”
I Win At Everything – Part 2 (AP)
Right after I won a prestigious NY news behemoth’s holiday party (and still wondering if it’s a conflict of interest since I work @ ANOTHER famous and notable NY-based news media organization), I had to bake for my company’s finance department holiday party. Since I was really busy trying to wrap up year-end testing, I justContinue reading “I Win At Everything – Part 2 (AP)”
Typewriter birthday cake
You know that annoying trait some couples have where they are like, “Ohhhhh my GAWD! We are so perfect for each other because I started saying, ‘I haven’t eaten all day and good thing it’s dinnertime because I’m—‘ and you just KNEW I was going to say ‘starving’ and finished my sentence so you’re totallyContinue reading “Typewriter birthday cake”