Otanjoubi omedetou! (Ramen birthday cake)

It’s that time of year again, you guys; Memorial Day, the start of summer, Vin’s birthday, a.k.a. the making of the most awesome cake of the year!!! Vin really is the best. He’s worked so hard to get in shape and become healthy, his food critique brand is really taking off, he’s always always thinkingContinue reading “Otanjoubi omedetou! (Ramen birthday cake)”

Easter is for eating!

First thing’s first…  I WANTED to work on making gum paste flowers last weekend, but I spent a week reeling with excitement after seeing my steak cake featured on Yummly.  You probably already know about it b/c I spammed the crap out of everyone I knew to look @ the April Fool’s Yummly article showcasingContinue reading “Easter is for eating!”


My beginnings are so humble (and cheap) that I’ve been getting by transporting my baked goods in Tupperware, old (but clean!) plastic takeout containers, heavy duty cake carriers (and being paranoid about having people break or lose them and the awkwardness that comes along with “Hey, umm… I need that carrier back, so… either eatContinue reading “Packages”